
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Brand Awareness

I thought that there was no way that I would find a Coke Zero in China, but I scored big today.  We walked all over Walmart for a bunch of random things that we needed, and we found the soft drink aisle.  I didn’t see the peppermint flavored Sprite from our last trip to Guangzhou, but the Coke Zero was an awesome alternative.  It’s not a sweet as the USA version, which is interesting, when you consider the artificial sweetener.


You’ll notice the foam in the bottle.  I did that about one second after I told Mia to be careful and not knock the bottle over.  It’s hard to parent your way around that one.


I also bought a bag of cucumber-flavored Lay’s chips.  They are unusual, but very tasty.  I told Mia that it if she wanted to eat a cucumber and eat some chips that it would save her some time, because it tastes exactly like a cucumber sitting on a chip.  She didn’t like them at first, but then she wouldn’t stop diving into the bag.  Annie was not really a fan.  Maybe next time we go to Walmart I’ll get the numb and spicy hot pot chips…


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