
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Love note...

I am not sure this picture will post correctly, or that you will be able to click on it to make it large enough to read...but I had to share!

Tomorrow is my birthday.  Mia and Kennedy were working on crafts for much of the morning to give me as gifts.  So sweet!  Kennedy made a card to go with hers. I will type the text below, errors included, so you can see the progress she is making with writing in English independently:

Dear mommy,
I love you so much!
Happ Birthday to you, mommy!

On the inside cover, she wrote:
Daddy love you, I love you, and Mia love you to, my dear mommy!
Because our always a family people! (I assume she means we will always be family.) awesome is that???  Happy birthday to me for sure!


jhand said...

How Awesome! Happy Birthday Annie hope it's a fantastic one.
Blessings from Georgia,
Julie Hand

Mike and Barb said...

Wow, I'm impressed at her written language skills! Very cool. Maybe we can pool thos two girls of ours - one's the talker, one's the writer - it would make a good combination!