
Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Of School

The great poets Phineas and Ferb said "There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation.  Then school comes along just to end it." 

Today was day 105.  It was Mia's first day in Kindergarten and Annie's first day in PPCD.  Mia was extremely excited about the first day of school.  Annie?  Not as much.  She has seen it all before...

Mia had a great time in Pre-K last year, so she was not at all scared of school.  Her mom was with her and she'd seen the routine last year, so it's no big deal.  I was lucky enough to have a vacation day to burn today, so I was able to drop the girls off at school.  We went to Annie's room first to drop off some things and sign in, then we walked to Mrs. Montagne's class for the obligatory photo op and some get-to-know-the-room time.  For me.  They had both seen it already. 

Annie has been a little bit anxious about today for quite a while.  As a teacher, the first day is always a bigger deal and more stressful than the rest.  However, this one has some extra pressure as the day that our baby girl officially outgrew her "little kid" phase.  Sure, she was in school last year, but it was a half day and Annie spent the other half hanging out with Mia.  This year, it's a full day, and what we normally think of when we think of the first day of the school career.  

For Annie and me, it seems as though we just got back from China with a teeny-tiny toddler.  I guess for every parent the time passes too quickly.  It is just so hard to wrap our minds around the idea that this girl is going to grow up.  Annie actually choked up a little this morning when we dropped her off at her class.  No tears for either of them, but one hug too many might have taken Annie's breath away.  Luckily, we were first in the room, since Annie had to be there early for her own class.

Anyway, day one started well.  Let's hope that the rest of the year is great.

Kindergarten girl!

Walking with Kennedy (the friend, not the sister)

That's me!

Good luck, Mrs. Montagne...

Purple table!

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